
Code Categories - under construction


Framework of choice for implementing a Model View Template (MVT). Here are some notes on organizational conventions, from planning to deployment.


One does not simply, "git push". After accepting the learning curve, a bare metal repository with post-receive hook is my favorite way to deploy.


OS setup info related to Ubuntu, Debian, Raspbian, and AMI 2.


Cient side markup languages and things related to presenting info on the web.


Databases benefit from the third normal form (3NF). This is where I keep my notes on how to target this through the abstraction of Django.


Server side languages are for creating the controls, logic and interactions that differentiate a web application from a static website.


Code Notes - under construction

Django File Downloads

Mr. Kent - April 23, 2024

This process shows how to implement file downloads from a file, using the FileResponse function built into the django.http module.

Add a Sitemap to Django

Mr. Kent - April 12, 2024

A sitemap is a .xml file that provides structered data to help search engines gain context about your website by understanding the layout of the pages in the site.

Django Project Setup (development environment)

Mr. Kent - May 11, 2024

These steps will setup Django inside containers. We will end up with a local environment that houses two docker containers, the Django web framework and a Postgres database. Both reside in a docker compose network.